
Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry or 'routine dental check up' is essential to maintaining good oral health, and avoiding pain and disruptions to daily life.  Any dental problem can be detected and treated early, reducing the need for extensive and expensive dental treatment in the future.

Kingsthorpe Dental recommends regular 6-monthly preventive dental check-ups to maintain good teeth, oral health and a great smile!

Emergency Dentistry

When pain or trauma strikes, you need immediate attention. Dental emergencies can occur at any time. That’s why Kingsthorpe Dental offers same-day emergency dentistry services for patients. No matter what issue you’re experiencing, we’ll help you as soon as possible in a calming, relaxing environment.

We treat each patient as an individual, ensuring that you receive tailor-made services that work in your best interest. We’re equipped to handle all types of problems and work with children and adults.

Dental for Kids

Dental decay and gum disease are among the most common and preventable conditions in the world. They can be avoided if children are introduced to good dental practices from an early age. Tailoring treatments to each child’s needs through education, early intervention and preventive measures will build a solid foundation for long-term oral health.

We bulk bill the Child Dental Benefits Scheme!
If your child is aged between 2-17 years, they may be eligible to receive $1095 worth of dental treatment through Medicare's Child Dental Benefit Scheme. Visit this link for more information.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is all about improving the appearance of your teeth to give you a smile makeover and natural look that makes you happy. The need for Cosmetic Dentistry can be due to accident, trauma, injury or defects from birth.  Some patients may simply like a smile makeover to boost their self-confidence and appearance.

We offer several Cosmetic Dentistry treatments that can vastly improve your smile, including:
- Tooth whitening
- Veneers
- Dental Implants
- Crown and Bridgework
- Tooth-coloured fillings

Crown and Bridges

Whether it is to rebuild severely worn teeth, or restore missing teeth to enhance both the appearance of your smile and chewing, the dentists at Kingsthorpe Dental have the experience to evaluate and prepare dental crown and bridges to the highest of quality.

We use the latest in computerized technology to make all ceramic, porcelain and zirconia crowns. However, depending on your individual needs, our team of dentists will determine if it is more suitable option compared to traditional porcelain fused to metal and full gold crowns.


Improve the appearance of your teeth with dental veneers at Kingsthorpe Dental. This solution can make your teeth stronger, more robust, brighter and beautifully aligned.

Veneers are a thin, custom-created shell that covers the front surface of your teeth. They’re an affordable way to disguise irregularities and achieve a gorgeous smile. Veneers can be made from porcelain or resin composite, then bonded to your teeth. Porcelain veneers offer benefits such as being stain-resistant, mimicking the properties of your natural teeth for a long-lasting, strong smile.

Gum Disease Treatment

Your gums are the foundation upon which your teeth are built, so they’re an extremely important part of your oral health.
Gum Disease, or Gingivitis and Periodontitis by its technical terms is a chronic disease that adversely affects the gums, teeth, and underlying bone structure.  Gum Disease rarely shows any visible symptoms until it has caused irreversible damage, so good oral health care and regular check-ups are important.
Treatment involves the removal of tartar deep beneath the gums under local anaesthetic, and aims to nurse the gums back to health. ​Kingsthorpe Dental will work with you to develop a suitable oral care plan to keep the gums healthy for the long term.

Root Canal Therapy

An infection at the centre of your tooth, where the root canal is located,is the living part of the tooth. It consists of blood cells and nerves. When an infection hits, it can spread, leading to abscesses or potentially causing more serious issues elsewhere in the body.

With root canal therapy, we seek to remove the infection before it has the chance to spread. The tooth is cleaned out, then packed with a specially treated dental material to prevent further infections. The tooth is then fitted with a crown or rebuilt. It takes place over 2-3 visits. We strive to make sure each one is calm, relaxing and free of stress.

We’ll explore all possible options before suggesting a root canal. You’ll be informed each step of the way. If it is necessary, the latest technology and our experienced team will ensure you have a comfortable, safe experience.


Dentures are removable false teeth designed to replace some or all teeth in a mouth whilst maintaining a comfortable feel and natural look.  They are an ideal cost-effective option where multiple teeth need replacing to restore the aesthetics and chewing ability in a mouth.

Full dentures are custom made for each person, and are constructed from acrylic and other similar material ensuring strength and durability. A metal plate may be placed within the acrylic to provide additional strength in some circumstances.
​Modern dentures can be constructed with different shapes and positioning to replicate the patients existing smile profile, or create a completely different look. Some people may need time to adjust to their new dentures, and some sore spots or irritation is likely during the adjustment period. Modern dentures are durable and can have a long life span depending on the individual. As people age and their body changes so will their mouth.  Over time, dentures may become loose or uncomfortable, and may require adjustments or replacements.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth and for many people, it is the preferred treatment option.

For a single missing tooth, it removes the need for our patients to wear a denture. It is also a more conservative treatment approach compared to alternative tooth replacement options as it removes the risk of damaging adjacent teeth.

In addition, if you have full dentures that feel loose to chew on, multiple dental implants may be an option to help you enjoy the everyday things that we normally take for granted like chewing all types of food, and feeling confident when speaking or laughing.

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